Project SEARCH Completes its Inaugural Year at UW
Posted: 7/22/2018 (CSDE in the News)
Project SEARCH, a school-to-work internship program designed for students with autism, just wrapped up its pilot year at UW. Through this program, Alan Chen worked for CSDE during the Spring quarter as an intern. Reflecting on the experience to King5 News, CSDE Administrator John Kemner noted: “He’s just been fantastic [and] he’s pointed out a few things that we hadn’t thought of prior to setting this up.”
The national initiative launched at UW in collaboration with PROVAIL, the Seattle Public Schools, the Division of Vocational Rehabilitation, and the Developmental Disabilities Administration. PROVAIL and Seattle Public Schools learn more about the interests and career goals of their interns, then match them with relevant unpaid internships. CSDE is grateful for Alan’s support and skills last quarter, and we’re excited to see what he does next!